The Optimal Resources for Breast Care (2024 Standards) specify that an NAPBC accredited site must notify and educate patients with increased density and risk.
Getting density right
Accurately classifying a patient BI-RADS B (non-dense) or C (dense) can affect access to imaging beyond mammography that may help find cancers. Nearly 75% of patients will be assessed in either the B or C density categories.

“The key improvement that Volpara brings to density reporting is an objective, reproducible density value that can be used in risk assessment models.”
– Professor Jack Cuzick, developer of TC8
The objective TruDensity® algorithm in Volpara® Scorecard™ is proven to reduce reader variability.
Precise density matters
Researchers report using TC8 with VBD% changes medical management for 4.5% of a patient population.

#1 AI tool for automated breast density
Meet Volpara Scorecard.
Empower with images and expert content
Volpara Thumbnail™ helps patients understand their breast density with image-enhanced mammography results letters. Patients are shown two non-diagnostic images of their breasts and an explanation of what their density category means in simple-to-understand terms and visuals.

Ready to enhance your patient letters?
Seeing is believing. Let us show you the power of images.