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From nail-biting to confidence

Audit Compliance
Health System

The power of AI in mammography audit preparations

Regulatory compliance of mammography operations can be challenging. With site certification on the line, EQUIP requirements are non-negotiable, making quality representatives anxious as they scramble to prepare for audit day.

Simplifying data management with AI

Case in point is from Brittany Hames, RT ( R ) (M), Quality Control Specialist, from Bearden-Josey Center for Breast Health, Spartanburg Medical Center in Spartanburg, South Carolina, who joined the quality team to help oversee accreditation of their nine locations, 2 mobile vans, 16 mammography units and 30 technologists. ”I’ve been called a perfectionist, which drew me to this role, but when I joined the team our processes were manual and time consuming,” said Brittany. “It can be quite difficult to meet EQUIP requirements and demonstrate that all the regulations are being followed. As I prepare for audits, sometimes up to 6 simultaneously, it makes me want to bite my nails!”

Spartanburg Medical Center’s breast centers implemented Volpara Analytics software in 2021 to help enhance mammography quality and to assist with the EQUIP audit process. “I didn’t realize at first how this software would change my life and transform the way I do my job,” said Brittany.

Volpara Analytics uses artificial intelligence to capture performance metrics and assess the quality of every mammogram using the TruPGMI method (see figure 1). The software stores the exam data which can be compiled into a variety of reports and is created with a few keystrokes.


Effortless reporting with Analytics
“Data accuracy and maintaining reproducible quality processes are key parts of my job,” said Brittany. “It’s arduous to think back at how we approached data gathering and audit prep before Analytics. We relied on our EHR to pull exams for each technologist for different sites and timeframes, and then I’d search PACS to identify the interpreting radiologists. Matching up the EHR and PACS data was so hard and time consuming. Our prior process took me about 2-3 days for each technologist. I was so fearful of manual errors.”

“ Analytics is my data partner, making so many areas of my job much smoother and efficient. I can’t express how much I appreciate Volpara. Now with Volpara Analytics I have 100% more confidence in my audit prep accuracy. They design for our challenges – it’s phenomenal!”

“Our Volpara Customer Success Manager is a huge help in setting up our EQUIP program and helping us excel in our use of Analytics. She helps me ensure we are capturing everything we need and provides ongoing coaching and education.”


Maximizing time for technologist development
“ Time savings from Analytics gives me more time to support our technologists and coach them on capturing the best mammograms. I can put my time toward truly improving quality and spend less on administrative tasks. I am no longer flustered trying to pull information together before each review and be focused on them, their efforts, and my discussion points.”

“We also use Analytics to set measurable quarterly performance goals and meet one-on-one with our technologists to go over random exams which helps ensure objective reviews. We love that aspect of Analytics that allows random selection of exams.”

“I am not a nail biter any longer! I would advise mammography centers that are not utilizing Volpara Analytics to consider this tool because it is a great asset to meet accreditation requirements and demonstrate that you run a high-quality program.”