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Investigating the feasibility of stratified breast cancer screening using a masking risk predictor

Alonzo-Proulx, Mainprize, Harvey, Yaffe

“The combined VBD/detectability models perform better than BI-RADS and offer a continuum of operating points, suggesting that this model may be effective in guiding a stratified screening environment.”

Adiposity during early adulthood, changes in adiposity during adulthood, attained adiposity, and mammographic density among premenopausal women

Alimujiang, Appleton, Colditz, Toriola

“In this cross-sectional study, all adiposity measures were significantly inversely associated with VPD, but positively associated with both DV and NDV among premenopausal women … We assessed mammographic density using Volpara which provides volumetric mammographic density measures.”

Breast Tissue Organisation and its Association with Breast Cancer Risk

Ali, Czene, Eriksson, Hall, Humphreys

“Our findings are consistent with the notion that fibroglandular and adipose tissue plays a role in breast cancer risk and, more specifically, they suggest that fatty tissue in the lower quadrants and the absence of density in the retromammary space, as shown in mediolateral oblique images, are protective against breast cancer.”

A randomized controlled trial of digital breast tomosynthesis versus digital mammography in population-based screening in Bergen: interim analysis of performance indicators from the To-Be trial

Aase, Holen, Pedersen, Houssami, Haldorsen, Sebuødegård, Hanestad, Hofvind

“Our density-stratified analyses identified that recall rates were lower for DBT only for women with non-dense breasts (VDG 1 and VDG 2). Time spent both on screen reading and consensus was longer for DBT than for DM. Average MGD did not differ between the two techniques.”

Local breast density assessment using reacquired mammographic images

García, Diaz, Martí, Diez, Gubern-Mérida, Sentís, Martí, Oliver

“This study indicates that Volpara™ Density Maps is reliable in estimating the local glandular tissue distribution and can be used for its assessment and follow-up. Volpara™ Density Maps is robust to small variations of the acquisition angle and to the beam energy …”

Development of a phantom to test fully automated breast density software – A work in progress

Waade, Hofvind, Thompson, Highnam, Hogg

“Our aim is to develop a deformable breast phantom to assess automated density software and the impact of breast thickness reduction on MD … Volpara recognized all deformable phantoms as female breasts.”

Identification of two novel mammographic density loci at 6Q25.1

Brand, Li, Humphreys, Karlsson, Eriksson, Ivansson, Hall, Czene

“…we identified two novel MD loci at 6q25.1 in a large scale genotyping effort of semi- and fully automated MD measures, which have previously been associated with breast cancer risk.”

Background risk of breast cancer influences the association between alcohol consumption and mammographic density

Trinh, Christensen, Brand, Cuzick, Czene, Sjölander, Bälter, Hall

“…increasing alcohol consumption was associated with higher absolute dense volume (cm3) and percent dense volume (%). The association between alcohol consumption and absolute dense volume was most pronounced among women with the highest (≥5%) Tyrer-Cuzick 10-year risk.”

Background risk of breast cancer and the association between physical activity and mammographic density

Trinh, Eriksson, Darabi, Bonn, Brand, Cuzick, Czene, Sjölander, Bälter, Hall

“…higher levels of physical activity were associated with lower absolute dense volume and nondense volume, but seemed to be associated with higher percent dense volume… absolute dense volume seemed to vary according to the risk of developing breast cancer in the next 10 years…Volumetric measures are therefore expected to capture the actual amount of fibroglandular tissue in the breast more precisely.”

The Short-Term Effect of Weight Loss Surgery on Volumetric Breast Density and Fibroglandular Volume

Vohra, Kachare, Vos, Schroeder, Schuth, Suttle, Fitzgerald, Wong, Verbanac

“Breast volume and fibroglandular volume decreased, and VBD increased following WLS (weight loss surgery), with the most significant change observed in postmenopausal women and non-diabetics.”