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Performance of a subsidised mammographic screening programme in Malaysia, a middle-income Asian country

Lee, Mariapun, Rajaram, Teo, Yip

“The cancer detection rate is similar to population-based screening mammography programmes in high-income Asian countries. Unlike population-based screening programmes in Caucasian populations where the adjunct ultrasonography rate is 2–4%, we report that 3 out of 10 women attending screening mammography were recommended for adjunct ultrasonography. This could be because Asian women attending screening are likely premenopausal and hence have denser breasts.”

Breast tissue density change after oophorectomy in BRCA mutation carrier patients using visual and volumetric analysis

Lecler, Dunant, Delaloge, Wehrer, Moussa, Caron, Balleyguier

“Oophorectomy is associated with a decrease in breast density and younger patients exhibit a larger absolute decrease. Volpara is more sensitive to identify change over time compared to visual assessment.”

Mammographic compression in Asian women

Lau, Aziz, Ng

“Very strong and highly significant correlations were observed between compression pressure and breast contact area … Current force-standardized protocols … led to highly significant variable compression force and compression pressure between and within Asian women… “

Automated and Clinical Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Density Measures Predict Risk of Screen-Detected and Interval Cancers

Kerlikowske, Scott, Mahmoudzadeh, Ma, Winham, Jensen,Wu, Malkov, Pankratz, Cummings, Shepherd, Brandt, Miglioretti, Vachon

“Automated and clinical BI-RADS density similarly predict interval and screen-detected cancer risk, suggesting that either measure may be used to inform women of their breast density.”

Combining quantitative and qualitative breast density measures to assess breast cancer risk

Kerlikowske, Ma, Scott, Mahmoudzadeh, Jensen, Sprague, Henderson, Pankratz, Cummings, Miglioretti, Vachon, Shepherd

“Risk models with automated dense breast volume combined with BI-RADS breast density may better identify women with dense breasts at high breast cancer risk than risk models with either measure alone.”

Breast Cancer Risk and Mammographic Density Assessed with Semiautomated and Fully Automated Methods and BI-RADS

Jeffers, Sieh, Lipson, Rothstein, McGuire, Whittemore, Rubin

“Mammographic density on FFDM images was positively associated with breast cancer risk by using the computer assisted methods and BI-RADS.”

Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on breast tissue composition: a longitudinal mammographic study with automated volumetric measurement

Jang, Kim, Chae, Lee, Kim, Lee, Kim

“NAC affects breast tissue composition, reflected as reductions in BV, FGV, and BD. Mammography with automated volumetric measurement can capture quantitative changes in these breast tissue parameters during NAC.”

Left–right breast asymmetry and risk of screen detected and interval cancers in a large population based screening population

Hudson, Wilkinson, De Stavola, Dos-Santos-Silva

“Increased DV asymmetry was associated with the risk of a breast cancer diagnosis at a contemporaneous screen or as an interval cancer. BV asymmetry was positively associated with the risk of an interval cancer diagnosis.”

Ethnic and age differences in right-left breast asymmetry in a large population-based screening population

Hudson, Wilkinson, Denholm, De Stavola, Dos-Santos-Silva

“Automated measurements from digital raw mammographic images of 54,591 cancer-free participants (aged 47–73) in a UK breast screening programme were used to calculate absolute (cm3) and relative asymmetry in BV and DV … BV and DV absolute asymmetry were positively correlated with the corresponding volumetric dimension
(BV or DV).”

Quantification of masking risk in screening mammography with volumetric breast density maps

Holland, van Gils, Mann, Karssemeijer

“Measures based on density maps, and in particular PDA, are promising tools to identify women at high risk for a masked cancer.”