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Influence of breast compression pressure on the performance of population-based mammography screening
Holland, Sechopoulos, Mann, den Heeten, van Gils, Karssemeijer
“Percent dense volume increased with increasing pressure, while breast volume decreased … Results suggest that if too much pressure is applied during mammography this may reduce sensitivity. In contrast, if pressure is low this may decrease specificity.”
Volumetric Mammographic Density, Age-Related Decline, and Breast Cancer Risk Factors in a National Breast Cancer Screening Program
Vik Hjerkind, Ellingjord-Dale, Johansson, Siv Aase, Roth Hoff, Hofvind, Fagerheim, dos-Santos-Silva, Ursin
“VMD is associated with several breast cancer risk factors, the strongest being BMI, where the direction of the association differ for percent and absolute VMD. The inverse association with age appears modified by menopausal status and other breast cancer risk factors.”
Does three-dimensional functional infrared imaging improve breast cancer detection based on digital mammography in women with dense breasts?
Hellgren, Sundbom, Czene, Izhaky, Hall, Dickman
“The use of 3DIRI to select women for an additional MRI can result in the detection of additional cancers in women with dense breasts, but at the expense of additional false positives and considerably lower positive predictive value of the combined examinations.”
Breast density across a regional screening population: effects of age, ethnicity and deprivation
Heller, Hudson, Wilkinson
“Our mapping of BD in a regional screening programme demonstrates impact of age, ethnicity and socioeconomic status on BD with attendant implications for breast cancer risk.”
The impact of bariatric surgery on qualitative and quantitative breast density
Hassinger, Mehaffey, Knisely, Contrella, Brenin, Schroen, Schirmer, Hallowell, Harvey, Showalter
“Increased VBD, decreased FGV, and decreased total breast volume were seen following bariatric surgery-induced weight loss. There was no difference in qualitative breast density, highlighting the discrepancy between BI-RADS and VolparaDensity™ measurements.”
Adiposity change over the life course and mammographic breast density in postmenopausal women
Han, Berkey, Herman, Appleton, Alimujiang, Colditz, Toriola
“We used multivariable linear regression models, adjusted for confounders, to investigate the associations of BMI change with volumetric percent density, dense volume, and nondense volume, assessed using Volpara in 367 women.”
Milk intake and mammographic density in premenopausal women
Han, Zong, Li, Colditz, Toriola
“Recent low/reduced-fat milk intake was inversely associated with volumetric percent density in premenopausal women.”
Breast cancer diagnosis in a specialised breast clinic: Are cancers detected by ultrasound alone less aggressive?
Blanco, Evans, Porter
“This study illustrates the complementary benefits of mammography and BUS, especially where breast density is high. Tumours diagnosed by BUS alone had better prognostic features in terms of size, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node status, differentiation and hormone receptors, compared with cancers where all three modalities were positive.”
Evaluation of a Stratified National Breast Screening Program in the United Kingdom: An Early Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Gray, Donten, Karssemeijer, van Gils, Evans, Astley, Payne
“The base-case analysis, supported by probabilistic sensitivity analysis, suggested that the risk stratified NBSPs (risk 1 and risk-2) were relatively cost-effective when compared with the current UK NBSP, with incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of £16,689 per QALY and £23,924 per QALY, respectively.”
Accuracy of mammography dosimetry in the era of the European Directive 2013/59/Euratom transposition
Gennaro, Bigolaro, Hill, Stramare, Caumo
“Patient-specific mean glandular dose, possibly adjusted for system calibration, allows more accurate individual breast dosimetry than what would be performed using organ dose provided by manufacturers.”