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Radiation dose with digital breast tomosynthesis compared to digital mammography: per-view analysis
Gennaro, Bernardi, Houssami
“Our findings show a modest increase of radiation dose to the breast by tomosynthesis compared to FFDM. Given the emerging role of DBT, its use in conjunction with synthetic 2D images should not be deterred by concerns regarding radiation burden, and should draw on evidence of potential clinical benefit.”
What are the benefits and harms of risk stratified screening as part of the NHS breast screening Programme? Study protocol for a multi-site non-randomised comparison of BC-predict versus usual screening
French, Astley, Brentnall, Cuzick, Dobrashian, Duffy, Gorman, Harkness, Harrison, Harvie, Howell, Jerrison, Machin, Maxwell, McWilliams, Payne, Qureshi, Ruane, Sampson, Stavrinos, Thorpe, Ulph, van Staa, Woof, Evans
“Once a clear mammogram result has been provided, a risk feedback letter is generated based on the answers participants give in their questionnaire and mammographic breast density (calculated from uploaded raw data by Volpara systems) … The risk feedback letter will inform women that they are at “high” (≥8% 10-year risk), “moderate” (≥5% but < 8% 10-year risk), “average” (≥ 2% but < 5% 10-year risk), or “below average” risk (< 2% 10-year risk).”
Effect of Bazedoxifene and Conjugated Estrogen (Duavee) on Breast Cancer Risk Biomarkers in High-Risk Women: A Pilot Study
Fabian, Nye, Powers, Nydegger, Kreutzjans, Phillips, Metheny, Winblad, Zalles, Hagan, Goodman, Gajewski, Koestler, Chalise, Kimler
“We found that FGV, a demonstrated risk biomarker, was significantly reduced after 6 months of Duavee in the 26 women with Volpara software assessed mammograms.”
Longitudinal changes in volumetric breast density in healthy women across the menopausal transition
Engmann, Scott, Jensen, Winham, Ma, Brandt, Mahmoudzadeh, Whaley, Hruska, Wu, Norman, Hiatt, Heine, Shepherd, Pankratz, Miglioretti, Kerlikowske, Vachon
“High premenopausal dense volume was a strong predictor of greater reductions in
dense volume across the menopausal transition … We found that few factors other than premenopausal density influence changes in dense volume across the menopausal transition, limiting targeted prevention efforts.”
Combined effect of volumetric breast density and body mass index on breast cancer risk
Engmann, Scott, Jensen, Winham, Miglioretti, Ma, Brandt, Mahmoudzadeh, Whaley, Hruska, Wu, Norman, Hiatt, Heine, Shepherd, Pankratz, Vachon, Kerlikowske
“Volumetric percent density (VPD) and dense volume (DV) were measured with Volpara™ … The effect of volumetric percent density on breast cancer risk is strongest in overweight and obese women. These associations have clinical relevance for informing prevention strategies.”
Longitudinal changes in volumetric breast density with tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors
Engmann, Scott, Jensen, Ma, Brandt, Mahmoudzadeh, Malkov, Whaley, Hruska, Wu, Winham, Miglioretti, Norman, Heine, Shepherd, Pankratz, Vachon, Kerlikowske
“Automated software can detect volumetric breast density changes among women
on tamoxifen and AI … If declines in volumetric density predict breast cancer outcomes, these measures may be used as interim prognostic indicators.”
Study on factors intrinsic to the patient that influence the average glandular dose in 2D and 3D mammography
Engler, Attie, Paixão Reis, Squair, Chevalier, do Socorro Nogueira
“Mean Glandular Dose (MGD) is the dosimetric quantity used to estimate the radiation dose to which a patient is exposed when performing a mammography examination … Breast tomosynthesis images of 660 patients were analyzed using Volpara software. From this analysis, the volumetric breast density (VBD) and the MGD were obtained. Patient age and compressed breast thickness (CBT) were obtained from the DICOM header of the images … The results show that CBT is the factor most related to the MGD increase. VBD is the factor with the least impact and the patient’s age has an inverse relationship with the MGD.”
Study on the influence of breast thickness and breast glandularity on the mean glandular dose in tomosynthesis exams
Engler, Attie, Paixão, Nogueira
“This study aims to verify the relationship between compressed breast thickness (EMC) and the volumetric density of the breast (DVM) with the [mean glandular dose (DGM)], as well as the relationship between the EMC and the patient’s age with the MVD. The breast tomosynthesis images of 660 patients were analyzed using the Volpara software … The results show that EMC is the factor most related to the increase in DGM, while MVD is slightly more affected by the patient’s age than by EMC.”
Digital mammographic density and breast cancer risk: a case–control study of six alternative density assessment methods
Eng, Gallant, Sheperd, McCormack, Li, Dowsett, Vinnicombe, Allen, dos-Santos-Silva
“PD was positively associated with breast cancer for all methods, but with the increase in risk per standard deviation increment in PD being highest for Volpara …”
MR Imaging as an Additional Screening Modality for the Detection of Breast Cancer in Women Aged 50–75 Years with Extremely Dense Breasts: The DENSE Trial Study Design
Emaus, Bakker, Peeters, Loo, Mann, de Jong, Bisschops, Veltman, Duvivier, Lobbes, Pijnappel, Karssemeijer, Koning, van den Bosch, Monninkhof, Mali, Veldhuis, van Gils
“In this study, mammographic density is measured by using a fully automated volumetric method. Participants with extremely dense breasts (American College of Radiology breast density category 4) and a negative result at mammography (Breast Imaging Recording and Data System category 1 or 2) are randomly assigned to undergo additional MR imaging (n = 7237) or to be treated according to current practice (n = 28 948).”