Craig Hadfield
Chief Customer and Financial Officer

H.Dip.Acc (Hons)/CA(SA)
Craig Hadfield, formerly Chief Financial Officer at Volpara Health, now serves as Chief Customer and Financial Officer. This expanded role underscores Volpara’s commitment to delivering compelling customer value, and linking financial leadership with customer relationship enhancement. Relocating from New Zealand to Seattle, Craig is now deeply engaged with Volpara’s extensive US customer base. He continues to lead the finance department while overseeing customer operations.
Craig has extensive experience in senior and managerial auditing roles at large accounting firms, including EY and Deloitte. He was an Associate Director for Deloitte Wellington and served as the Audit Manager for Volpara Health during its IPO process. He has held roles internationally, working in the US, South Africa, New Zealand, and the Bahamas.
Craig is a registered member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and an affiliate of NZICA (CAANZ).